Worship Ministries

Worship And Worship Arts Committees

Serving Christ by sharing our God given gifts.

What do we do? We coordinate with the pastor and music department to provide meaningful worship services. We pray that our efforts will reach and touch all with God’s Word.

The worship committee is comprised of several elements of our worship services, some overlapping with other committees.  Ushers, readers, acolytes and Communion Stewards are always welcomed and needed at all the services. We provide training and a schedule that will work for you.

The Worship Arts Committee is a dedicated, creative, crafty group of people. They make many of the decorations seen in church for special church seasons. They design and or make church banners displayed in the sanctuary.

We would welcome you joining us!

Join a Worship Ministry

Interested in becoming part of our worship at Mt. Zion UMC? Fill out the form below and one of our staff members will be in touch with further information.